On July 31, 2023, the Law Office of Evan Humphreys will open at a new location at 112 NE 4th Street.
Right across the street from the Texas County Courthouse!
Until then, you can still find us at our current location. Our phone number and website will stay the same.
We look forward to many more years of serving the Oklahoma Panhandle and Northwestern Oklahoma.

We provide intelligent and affordable representation in appellate proceedings, family law, and impact litigation. We are a modern law firm that empowers clients in Guymon and across Oklahoma. We give power back to the people who need it the most.
Contact the Law Office of Evan Humphreys today!

When you choose the Law Office of Evan Humphreys, you get an attorney who graduated from a Top 20 law school and has years of practical experience. We give you a thorough analysis of your case and offer creative solutions to complex problems.

Exceptional representation doesn't have to wipe out your savings. At the Law Office of Evan Humphreys, we can often use fixed costs for the parts of your case that we control. That means you'll have a better handle on how much you'll be spending.

We believe that clients deserve to benefit from a law firm that effectively and efficiently uses modern technology to deliver the best service to them. From paperless billing to automated document preparation, we use the latest tools to serve you.

Your case means a lot to you. So it's only natural that you have the final say in all the important decisions. The Law Office of Evan Humphreys gives you the advice, guidance, and information you need to make the best decision possible.

Judges don't always get it right the first time. Getting a higher court to fix their decisions takes thoughtful analysis and careful planning. While an appeal isn't always the best decision, it is one that needs to be made intelligently. If you want someone to take a second look at your case, contact the Law Office of Evan Humphreys for a thorough investigation of your rights.
Family law cases are among the most emotionally charged and complicated legal issues that the average person is likely to deal with. It's not an experience you have to face alone. Whether you're thinking about divorce, wondering what your rights are, or escaping an abusive relationship, trust the experience and compassion of the Law Office of Evan Humphreys.
Impact litigation is a case with the potential to affect a large group of people, such as overturning an unjust law. We work with ordinary citizens and public interest groups to make positive change for real people. These are difficult, uphill battles, but they can still be worth fighting. Get a realistic assessment and exceptional advocacy from the Law Office of Evan Humphreys.
Thank you for visiting our website. If you would like someone from the office to contact you, please fill out the following form. Sending this information does not create an attorney-client relationship between the sender and the Law Office of Evan Humphreys. You will not become a client of the Law Office of Evan Humphreys until a retainer agreement has been signed.
Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
112 NE 4th St. Guymon, OK 73942
(580) 219-5700
The law is fundamentally about the distribution of power. Certain people and groups tend to be favored in this distribution. Corporations, abusers, and the wealthy are more likely to hold power than consumers, victims, and workers. We prefer to represent people in that second group. If you need an advocate to help you equalize the playing field, then the Law Office of Evan Humphreys is an excellent choice.
Evan Humphreys was born and raised in Oklahoma. He graduated from Emory University School of Law in 2016 where he was a managing editor of one of the law journals and a volunteer at the veteran's legal clinic. Since 2017, he has been advocating for Oklahomans in a wide variety of legal issues with a particular emphasis on domestic violence. He started as an attorney for a statewide public interest firm, providing free representation to those who could not afford their own lawyer. He and his wife live in Guymon.